Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Jackson Pollock style

When my boys were young I used to encourage their artistic instincts with what I called Jackson Pollock painting. JacksonPollock.com  If you get a chance to see Jackson Pollock's paintings when they tour your city then do. They are large and quite dazzling.

Emulating some of the splashing and dripping techniques used by Pollock, my sons decorated rolls of wallpaper that were spread out on the grass outside. It's a great project for one child on his or her own or as many as you can fit around the paper. It's messy and you don't know what you're going to get but it is enjoyable.

And it's not just for kids and rolls of wallpaper. The Jackson Pollock style can be used on furniture, walls, t-shirts, floors and objects. I had a large bowl that I found very plain. I also had some left over lime green and olive green emulsion paint that I'd used for decorating. I painted the bowl in one colour then splashed on the second colour. I then varnished it. I find that the technique gives the best results when the paintbrush doesn't come into contact with the surface being painted. Drips, drizzles and splashes are more interesting than daubs. Try for yourself and see. 

Have a look for items you can decorate. You could use pieces of card and frame them or use them as greetings cards. 

Cover yourself and any things that you don't want to be painted. If possible do this project outside!