Wednesday 29 June 2016

Brooches - miniature and knitted.

How about one of these? 

I used two cocktail sticks, two beads and embroidery thread to make this little brooch. A pin-on fastening is attached to the back so that it can be safely fastened to you. 

Temporary beads were fixed to the cocktail sticks to stop the work from slipping off. I then cast on 18 stitches and knitted until I was satisfied with the length. Next I rolled my knitting up and rolled yarn into a tiny ball and fixed it in place with glue. A fringe was tied to the loose end. 

When I'd finished knitting I transferred the work onto new cocktail sticks which were painted gold and glued new beads in place. Some stitches and a tiny amount of glue were needed to keep everything in place and in shape but the brooch is sturdy.

Try this. It's fiddly but rewarding. 

Use different stitches, yarn and beads,