Wednesday, 1 October 2014

New blog on the block

By the way hello and welcome to this new blog. I teach crafts and will be sharing projects with you. In my class this week there were many projects on the go at one time. One person was so looking forward to making paper and had brought lots of interesting wrapping paper to use and nearly didn't get to make it. She had a very stiff neck and I didn't have the right equipment.

I usually pulp paper in a blender but couldn't find one that worked. I was tempted to use the centre manager's smoothie maker but it wasn't a popular idea. Did I abandon the paper making project...did I pretend to be ill to get out of it? No. I imagined a time before technology, before the industrial revolution, and I beat the paper and water mixture with a whisk then squashed it about with my bare hands. Satisfying. The resulting paper was fab. Lilac with gold strands in it and of course the delight on the face of the lady who made it was wonderful.

Challenge of the week: 

Try to imagine how things were done without technology. Paper id thousands of years old and blenders are a relatively new idea.


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